Thursday, March 5, 2015

just do a little small thing every day

So, the day that I decided to start this chronicling my little life adventures (like, going crazy and actually using the dutch oven I got for Christmas to roast some chicken wings), my apartment looked like this:

In other words, a mess, a disaster, and cornucopia of faults! You can see my bed is unmade, the floor is upswept, and perhaps my most trademark flaw: a hoarding of magazines, books and articles printed from the interwebs.  A recent reminiscence with an old co-worker and she remembered this predilection I had to cover every surface of my desk with paper based material (it had even made it into my performance review that year!)

However, I was feeling a small sense of accomplishment with this piece of work:

I know it does not look like much, but that my dear friends is a rice cooker humidifier!  I had read that this is an easy cheap way to add some moisture to a small room, and living in Manhattan all my space is small.  Lifehacker recommended adding some dried flowers for aromatics.  I don’t really keep dried flowers at hand, but I did have some essential oil and I added a few drops.  My room may look a mess but it smells amazing. Who knows, it may also have increased the moisture content in the air incrementally.  But the point is that it was something.  So I figured, I just need to do a little small thing every day, and hopefully shouting it loud and proud (via this blog) will give push me in that direction.  

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